Central Marin Sanitation agency
Technical services Manager
Link to brochure
The Opportunity
Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) is recruiting for a Technical Services Manager position that is responsible for day-to-day operations of the Technical Services Department and reports to the General Manager. This position manages the Agency’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), environmental laboratory, pollution prevention programs, and various engineering and asset management projects from evaluation through design and construction; serves as Agency engineer; oversees the selection and supervision of consultants; and provides engineering and technical advice and support to Agency staff.
recent awards
- National Association of Clean Water Agencies “Platinum” Peak Performance Award 2016
- California Water Environment Association’s 2017 Engineering Achievement of the Year (PG&E Interconnection Agreement Modification Project)
- California Water Environment Association Community Engagement and Outreach Project of the Year for 2017
current and Future projects and initiatives
- An important Agency goal is to deliver renewable energy to the local electricity grid. Progress has been made to achieve this with expansion of the organic waste receiving program, adoption of a new interconnection agreement with PG&E, ongoing design and construction of CMSA and PG&E system improvements for energy delivery, and execution of a power purchase agreement with Marin Clean Energy.
- CMSA is nearing completion of a Facilities Masterplan that identifies future projects and activities to enhance operational performance, reuse renewable resources, and meet potential permit requirements, such as rehabilitating equipment and systems based on a condition assessment, expand the organic waste receiving facility, utilize additional generated biogas, and identify nutrient removal technologies and systems.
- Issuance of revenue bonds next year to fund projects in the 10-year CIP, including several from the Facilities Masterplan and installation of a new cogeneration facility.
The Organization
CMSA began operation in 1985 providing services to an area population of 105,000, consisting of residences and businesses, and includes educational, hospital, and correctional facilities. In addition to wastewater treatment and biosolids beneficial reuse, CMSA provides a variety of other environmental services to local agencies, which include the operation and maintenance of wastewater collection system infrastructure, leading an award winning countywide public education program, and regulating diverse types of businesses in central Marin.
CMSA strives to be a high-performance utility, with a vision of being an industry leader by providing innovative, efficient, and sustainable wastewater services, capturing and utilizing renewable resources, and delivering renewable power. CMSA believes quality service begins with quality people, and the professional staff focus their energy and expertise on providing excellent environmental services.
CMSA is fully committed to the principle of continuous improvement, and in the past several years has completed or initiated several exciting, innovative projects to improve its operations. This trend will continue, with a part of CMSA’s annual budget dedicated to its capital improvement and strategic business planning programs.
key responsibilities
Manages day-to-day operation of the Technical Services Department, including supervision of subordinate employees, and development and management of operating budgets.
Makes presentations to the Board of Commissioners and other stakeholder groups.
Manages procurement contract administration to ensure Agency procedures for issuing and managing contracts are uniformly applied.
Develops, monitors, and manages the Agency’s 10-Year Capital Improvement Program.
Acts as Agency engineer, representing CMSA’s interests in meetings with a variety of stakeholders, including developing, awarding, and administering cooperative multi-agency contracts or projects.
Manages the design and construction of capital improvement, maintenance, and other Agency projects.
Manages and coordinates the Agency’s laboratory
and environmental compliance programs, ensuring regulatory reporting and compliance requirements
are met.
Administers service contracts with local public agencies for pollution prevention, mercury reduction, Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) source control programs, and storm water enforcement.
Directs all aspects of the Agency’s compliance program including industrial waste inspections, permitting, and enforcement of requirements.
Carries out management responsibilities in accordance with Agency policies and procedures, as well as applicable labor, regulatory, and safety laws.
Interviews, prepares hiring recommendations, and trains employees and consultants; plans and assigns staff coverage and directs work; tracks and authorizes time sheets; establishes staff work expectations, performance goals, and work plans; and resolves personnel complaints.
Manages procurement contract administration to ensure Agency procedures for issuing and managing contracts are uniformly applied.
Prepares effective technical, statistical, written, and narrative reports and correspondence and ensures proper maintenance of records. Provides QA/ QC review of documents prepared for or by other departments.
Oversees the near future updating of the Agency’s source control local limits, Sewer Use Ordinance, and Enforcement Response Plan.
Serves as acting General Manager, as requested.
- Equivalent of a bachelor’s degree from a four-year ABET-accredited college with major coursework in Civil, Mechanical, Environmental, or Sanitary Engineering. Graduate degree in Environmental/Civil Engineering desirable.
- Minimum of five years of professional level engineering experience in water, wastewater or environmental related setting at the senior engineering level is preferred.
- Possession of a valid California Professional Engineer Certification.
- Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish, maintain and foster positive and harmonious working relationships.
- Ability to carry out complex Civil and/or Environmental Engineering calculations involving advanced mathematical concepts such as exponents, logarithms, quadratic equations, permutations, geometry and trigonometry, frequency distributions, and determination of test reliability and validity.
compensation and benefits
The monthly salary range is $14,608.83 – $17,757.13 (effective July 2018).
The Agency offers a generous and competitive benefits package including:
- Retirement: The Agency contracts with CalPERS for retirement benefits.
Classic Members: 2.7% @ age 55
PEPRA Members: 2% @ age 62
The Agency does not participate in Social Security. - Health Insurance: CalPERS medical for employee and dependents (based on the Kaiser Bay Area rate).
- Dental & Vision Insurance: Fully paid by the Agency.
- Long Term Disability: The Agency provides a fully paid long term disability program for the employee.
- Life Insurance: The Agency provides fully paid term life insurance in the amount of $100,000.
- Vacation Leave: 0-3 years of employment =
10 days; after 3 years up to 7 years = 15 days; after 7 years = 20 days. - Sick Leave: Accrued at one day per month
(12 days per year). - Administrative Leave: Two weeks per year.
- Holidays: 13 holidays per year (includes three floating holidays).
application process
To apply for this opportunity, please submit a cover letter, resume, and signed application by email to infokoff@koffassociates.com. Please visit Koff & Associates’ website at www.koffassociates.com to download an Agency application and CMSA Job Description. As an alternative, you can mail the completed application materials to Koff & Associates, 2835 7th Street, Berkeley, CA 94710.
Employee benefits can be found on CMSA’s website at www.cmsa.us.
If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact Richard O’Donnell at (510) 658-5633.
The deadline to apply is Monday, July 2nd.