THE TOWN OF PARADISE, a general law city, nestled in the Sierra Nevada foothills, is located in Butte County, California. The area offers breathtaking views, hiking, biking, fishing, and many opportunities for the outdoor adventurer. Residents enjoy, cooler summertime temperatures, occasional winter snowfalls, and an engaging environment. Rich in history, natural beauty, and friendly people, Paradise is a welcoming rural community and is a fantastic place to raise a family.
On November 8, 2018, the Camp Fire wildfire destroyed much of the Town of Paradise. As a result, Paradise lost close to 12,000 dwelling units, with about 1,400 surviving the disaster. However, rebuilding efforts are underway and well exceeding expectations thanks to a coordinated response by Town leadership, staff, volunteers, and the community.
The first building permits were issued five months after the fire. Now, fifteen months later, there continues to be a be steady surge in rebuild applications. As of mid-April 2020, 917 rebuild applications have been submitted, 750 permits have been issued, and 106 homes have been completely rebuilt. Currently we estimate about 5,000 families living in Town but the numbers are growing as the Town of Paradise experiences a “boom town” effect due to our robust rebuilding efforts.
The Town established a first-of-its-kind, Building Resiliency Center (BRC,) as a one-stop shop for homeowners to assist in their home rebuilding process. This center has remained operational, despite the Corona Virus, and continues to serve Camp Fire Survivors—or Paradise Pioneers, as we lovingly refer to ourselves now that we are uniting, growing and rebuilding after the Camp Fire.
IN A RECENT SETTLEMENT, PG&E committed to pay $13.5 billion to Camp Fire survivors, with about $270 million going directly to the Town of Paradise to maintain operations and fund critical services. This funding will ensure the Town’s financial stability for many years.
While the Town of Paradise has faced challenges due to the Camp Fire, the Town remains resilient and determined. Our leadership has set the course and laid a solid platform for the new Town Manager to successfully lead the team into the future.
FOUNDED IN NOVEMBER 1979, the Town of Paradise is a municipality offering police protection, fire prevention, suppression and medical aid; community development, planning, and building safety; public works, capital improvements, and street maintenance; and housing and business development programs. The Town Council of The Town of Paradise is the chief policy-making body comprised of five members elected at large by the community to four-year staggered terms of office. The Town Manager leads staff in executing the vision and priorities established by the Town Council.
THIS POSITION offers a unique and rewarding opportunity for the right candidate to be part of the rebuilding of the Town of Paradise. The position also offers an opportunity to reshape a strong, resilient, charming community, well-suited for raising families and growing small business enterprises.
The Town Manager supervises and directs the administration of the various departments; presents recommendations and information to enable the Town Council to make decisions on matters of policy; coordinates the Town of Paradise’s working relationship with external agencies and organizations; oversees the planning and funding of major Town projects; serves as a liaison to improve communications between the Town Administration, community organizations and citizens; and works to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction with Town services.
The Town Manager also directs, manages, and oversees all of the activities and operations of the Town of Paradise including its operating departments, public safety contracts and provides complex administrative support to the Town Council.
In the event of an emergency, the Town Manager also acts as the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Director. The EOC Director determines the level of staffing and resources necessary to manage an appropriate emergency response.
Other essential responsibilities and duties include:
- Is responsible for and manages all Town departments, including Police, Fire, Finance and Administration, Public Safety, Building, Code Enforcement, Animal Control, Engineering, and Public Works.
- Directs and coordinates the development and implementation of goals, objectives, and programs for the Town Council and the Town as appropriate; develops administrative policies, procedures, and work standards to ensure that the goals and objectives are met and that programs provide mandated services in an effective, efficient, and economical manner.
- Oversees the preparation of the annual budget for the Town; authorizes directly or through staff, budget transfers, expenditures, and purchases; provides information regarding the financial condition and needs to the Town Council.
- Develops and standardizes procedures and methods to improve and continuously monitors the efficiency and effectiveness of assigned programs, projects, service delivery methods, and procedures; assesses and monitors workload, administrative and support systems, and internal reporting relationships; identifies opportunities for improvement and makes recommendations to Town Council.
- Advises the Town Council on legal, social, and economic issues, programs, and financial status; prepares and recommends long and short-term plans for Town service provision, capital improvements, and funding; and directs the development of specific proposals for action regarding current and future Town needs.
- Represents the Town and the Council in meetings with governmental agencies, community groups, and various business, professional, educational, regulatory, and legislative organizations.
- Provides for the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding the administration of and services provided by the Town government.
- Provides for contract services and franchise agreements; ensures proper performance of obligations to the Town; has responsibility for enforcement of all Town codes, ordinances, and regulations.
- Oversees the selection, training, professional development, and work evaluation of Town staff; oversees the implementation of effective employee relations programs; provides policy guidance and interpretation to staff.
- Directs the preparation of and prepares a variety of correspondence, reports, policies, procedures, and other written materials.
- Directs the maintenance of working and official Town files. Monitors changes in laws, regulations, and technology that may affect Town operations; implements policy and procedural changes as required.
THE IDEAL CANDIDATE WILL BE an experienced administrator with a record of successfully guiding a local government under a Council, and will have the ability to demonstrate sound management theory and practices. The candidate will have the skillset to work through a variety of complex issues and projects. The ideal candidate will be capable of formulating and administering economic development policies and practices, and will have the skills and acumen necessary to ensure the long-term financial stability of the Town.
THE TOWN OF PARADISE also seeks a candidate who has experience putting together multi-million dollar projects using a variety of Federal, State, and private grant opportunities. The ideal candidate will recognize the importance of collaborating with other agencies and community groups and individuals while completing large and small scale community projects.
The ideal candidate will be an energetic individual with exceptional interpersonal and public communication skills. The ideal candidate should be a proactive collaborator who can think analytically and act strategically.
Most importantly, the ideal candidate will recognize that this role is pivotal to the Town’s successful recovery from the devastation of the Camp Fire and to the establishment of the Town of Paradise as a paragon for rural communities and municipalities.
Minimum Qualifications
Qualified candidates must possess equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major coursework in public or business administration, public policy, finance, or a related field and ten (10) years of management or administrative experience in a public agency comparable to a Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, or in a related administrative/managerial capacity involving responsibility for planning, organization, and implementation.
The salary range for this position is $137,530–$175,552 annually, depending on qualifications. Additionally, effective July 6, 2020, the range will increase by 3%.
PERS retirement 2%@62 for new member, 2%@60 for classic member T-2
Retiree Medical Equal to active EE contribution
Admin Leave 120 hrs/yr.
Longevity 5%@10yrs, up to 7.5%@15yrs
Sick Leave 96 hrs/yr.
Vacation Leave
0–4 years = 120 hrs/yr
5–9 years = 135 hrs/yr
10–14 years = 176 hrs/yr
15 & over = 200 hrs/yr
Holidays 11 days/yr. & 28 hrs Floating
Medical Plan* PERS Medical Plan* MetLife
* Some employee costs apply to health plans
** Deferred compensation in lieu of medical is an option
Short-Term & Long Term Disability Plan Life Insurance $150,000
To apply for this position, please visit Koff & Associates’ website at www.koffassociates.com/jobs/ and submit a cover letter and resume.
As an alternative, you can mail your cover letter, employment application form, and resume to this address:
Koff & Associates 2835 Seventh Street Berkeley, CA 94710
For any questions, please contact K&A Recruiting at: recruiting@koffassociates.com
The deadline to apply for this position is THURSDAY, MAY 21.
The Town of Paradise is an equal opportunity employer encouraging workforce diversity.